Component: Increase (Decrease) in Stockholders' Equity [Grid]

Line Label Object Class Period Type Balance Name
1 Increase (Decrease) in Stockholders' Equity [Grid]




2 Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Beginning Balance [Concept] Monetary As Of Credit us-gaap:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest
3 Shares, Outstanding, Beginning Balance [Concept] Shares As Of


4 Common Stock, Shares, Outstanding, Beginning Balance [Concept] Shares As Of


5 Preferred Stock, Shares Outstanding, Beginning Balance [Concept] Shares As Of


6 Stock Issued During Period, Value, New Issues [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueNewIssues
7 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, New Issues [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesNewIssues
8 Stock Issued or Granted During Period, Share-based Compensation [Hierarchy] [Abstract]



9 Stock Granted During Period, Value, Share-based Compensation, Net of Forfeitures [Roll Up] [Abstract] us-gaap:StockGrantedDuringPeriodValueSharebasedCompensationNetofForfeituresAbstract
10 Stock Granted During Period, Value, Share-based Compensation, Gross [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockGrantedDuringPeriodValueSharebasedCompensationGross
11 Stock Granted During Period, Value, Share-based Compensation, Forfeited [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:StockGrantedDuringPeriodValueSharebasedCompensationForfeited
12 Stock Granted During Period, Value, Share-based Compensation, Net of Forfeitures, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockGrantedDuringPeriodValueSharebasedCompensation
13 Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Grants in Period, Net of Forfeitures [Roll Up] [Abstract]



14 Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Grants in Period, Gross [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:ShareBasedCompensationArrangementByShareBasedPaymentAwardOptionsGrantsInPeriodGross
15 Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Grants in Period, Forfeited [Concept] Shares For Period


16 Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Grants in Period, Net of Forfeitures, Total [Concept] Shares For Period


17 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Share-based Compensation, Net of Forfeitures [Roll Up] [Abstract]



18 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Share-based Compensation, Gross [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueShareBasedCompensationGross
19 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Share-based Compensation, Forfeited [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueShareBasedCompensationForfeited
20 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Share-based Compensation, Net of Forfeitures, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueShareBasedCompensation
21 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Share-based Compensation, Net of Forfeitures [Roll Up] [Abstract]



22 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Share-based Compensation, Gross [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesShareBasedCompensationGross
23 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Share-based Compensation, Forfeited [Concept] Shares For Period


24 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Share-based Compensation, Net of Forfeitures, Total [Concept] Shares For Period


25 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Restricted Stock Award, Net of Forfeitures [Roll Up] [Abstract]



26 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Restricted Stock Award, Gross [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueRestrictedStockAwardGross
27 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Restricted Stock Award, Forfeitures [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueRestrictedStockAwardForfeitures
28 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Restricted Stock Award, Net of Forfeitures, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueRestrictedStockAwardNetOfForfeitures
29 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Restricted Stock Award, Net of Forfeitures [Roll Up] [Abstract]



30 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Restricted Stock Award, Gross [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesRestrictedStockAwardGross
31 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Restricted Stock Award, Forfeited [Concept] Shares For Period


32 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Restricted Stock Award, Net of Forfeitures, Total [Concept] Shares For Period


33 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Stock Options Exercised [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueStockOptionsExercised
34 Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Exercises in Period [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesStockOptionsExercised
35 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Employee Stock Ownership Plan [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueEmployeeStockOwnershipPlan
36 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Employee Stock Ownership Plan [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesEmployeeStockOwnershipPlan
37 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Employee Stock Purchase Plan [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueEmployeeStockPurchasePlan
38 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Employee Stock Purchase Plans [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesEmployeeStockPurchasePlans
39 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Employee Benefit Plan [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueEmployeeBenefitPlan
40 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Employee Benefit Plan [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesEmployeeBenefitPlan
41 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Acquisitions [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueAcquisitions
42 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Acquisitions [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesAcquisitions
43 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Conversion of Convertible Securities, Net of Adjustments [Roll Up] [Abstract]



44 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Conversion of Convertible Securities [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueConversionOfConvertibleSecurities
45 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Equity Component of Convertible Debt [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalEquityComponentOfConvertibleDebt
46 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Equity Component of Convertible Debt, Subsequent Adjustments [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalEquityComponentOfConvertibleDebtSubsequentAdjustments
47 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Conversion of Convertible Securities, Net of Adjustments, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueConversionOfConvertibleSecuritiesNetOfAdjustments
48 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Conversion of Convertible Securities [Concept] Shares For Period


49 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Conversion of Units [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueConversionOfUnits
50 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Conversion of Units [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesConversionOfUnits
51 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Stock Dividend [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueStockDividend
52 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Dividend Reinvestment Plan [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueDividendReinvestmentPlan
53 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Dividend Reinvestment Plan [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesDividendReinvestmentPlan
54 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Purchase of Assets [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValuePurchaseOfAssets
55 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Purchase of Assets [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesPurchaseOfAssets
56 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Other [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueOther
57 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Other [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesOther
58 Stock Issued During Period, Value, Treasury Stock Reissued [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodValueTreasuryStockReissued
59 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Stock Splits [Concept] Shares For Period


60 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Reverse Stock Splits [Concept] Shares For Period


61 Stock Repurchased and Retired During Period, Value [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:StockRepurchasedAndRetiredDuringPeriodValue
62 Stock Repurchased and Retired During Period, Shares [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockRepurchasedAndRetiredDuringPeriodShares
63 Stock Repurchased During Period, Value [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:StockRepurchasedDuringPeriodValue
64 Stock Repurchased During Period, Shares [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockRepurchasedDuringPeriodShares
65 Stock Redeemed or Called During Period, Value [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:StockRedeemedOrCalledDuringPeriodValue
66 Stock Redeemed or Called During Period, Shares [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockRedeemedOrCalledDuringPeriodShares
67 Treasury Stock Transactions, Excluding Value of Shares Reissued [Hierarchy] [Abstract]



68 Treasury Stock, Value [Concept] Monetary As Of Debit us-gaap:TreasuryStockValue
69 Treasury Stock, Value, Acquired, Par Value Method [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:TreasuryStockValueAcquiredParValueMethod
70 Treasury Stock, Value, Acquired, Cost Method [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:TreasuryStockValueAcquiredCostMethod
71 Treasury Stock Reissued at Lower than Repurchase Price [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:TreasuryStockReissuedAtLowerThanRepurchasePrice
72 Treasury Stock, Retired, Par Value Method, Amount [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:TreasuryStockRetiredParValueMethodAmount
73 Treasury Stock, Retired, Cost Method, Amount [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:TreasuryStockRetiredCostMethodAmount
74 Treasury Stock, Shares, Retired [Concept] Shares For Period


75 Treasury Stock, Carrying Basis [Concept] Monetary As Of Debit us-gaap:TreasuryStockCarryingBasis
76 Accelerated Share Repurchase Program, Adjustment [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AcceleratedShareRepurchaseProgramAdjustment
77 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital [Hierarchy] [Abstract]



78 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Stock Issued, Issuance Costs [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalStockIssuedIssuanceCosts
79 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Termination of S Corporation Election [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalTerminationOfSCorporationElection
80 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Share-based Compensation, Requisite Service Period Recognition [Roll Up] [Abstract]



81 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Share-based Compensation, Stock Options, Requisite Service Period Recognition [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalShareBasedCompensationStockOptionsRequisiteServicePeriodRecognition
82 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Share-based Compensation, Nonvested Shares, Requisite Service Period Recognition [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalShareBasedCompensationNonvestedSharesRequisiteServicePeriodRecognition
83 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Share-based Compensation, Employee Stock Purchase Program, Requisite Service Period Recognition [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalShareBasedCompensationEmployeeStockPurchaseProgramRequisiteServicePeriodRecognition
84 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Share-based Compensation, Restricted Stock Units, Requisite Service Period Recognition [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalShareBasedCompensationRestrictedStockUnitsRequisiteServicePeriodRecognition
85 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Share-based Compensation, Other Long-term Incentive Plans, Requisite Service Period Recognition [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalSharebasedCompensationOtherLongtermIncentivePlansRequisiteServicePeriodRecognition
86 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Share-based Compensation, Requisite Service Period Recognition, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalSharebasedCompensationRequisiteServicePeriodRecognitionValue
87 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Mark-to-Market [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalMarkToMarket
88 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Convertible Debt with Conversion Feature [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalConvertibleDebtWithConversionFeature
89 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Reallocation of Noncontrolling Interest [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalReallocationOfMinorityInterest
90 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Dividends in Excess of Retained Earnings [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalDividendsInExcessOfRetainedEarnings
91 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Stock Split [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalStockSplit
92 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Warrant Issued [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalWarrantIssued
93 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Increase in Carrying Amount of Redeemable Preferred Stock [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalIncreaseInCarryingAmountOfRedeemablePreferredStock
94 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Stock Issued, Own-share Lending Arrangement, Issuance Costs [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalStockIssuedOwnshareLendingArrangementIssuanceCosts
95 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Counterparty Default, Period of Default, Effect on Equity [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalCounterpartyDefaultPeriodOfDefaultEffectOnEquity
96 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Counterparty Default, Subsequent Period Changes, Effect on Equity [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalCounterpartyDefaultSubsequentPeriodChangesEffectOnEquity
97 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Other [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalOther
98 Adjustment to Additional Paid in Capital, Income Tax Effect from Share-based Compensation, Net [Roll Up] [Abstract]



99 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Income Tax Benefit from Share-based Compensation [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalTaxEffectFromShareBasedCompensation
100 Adjustments to Additional Paid in Capital, Income Tax Deficiency from Share-based Compensation [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:AdjustmentsToAdditionalPaidInCapitalIncomeTaxDeficiencyFromShareBasedCompensation
101 Adjustment to Additional Paid in Capital, Income Tax Effect from Share-based Compensation, Net, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AdjustmentToAdditionalPaidInCapitalIncomeTaxEffectFromShareBasedCompensationNet
102 Amortization of ESOP Award [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:AmortizationOfESOPAward
103 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract]



104 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, Net of Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract] us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentNetOfTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract
105 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Gain (Loss) Arising During Period, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationGainLossArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax
106 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Reclassification Adjustment Realized upon Sale or Liquidation, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationNetOfTax
107 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, Net of Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


108 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, Net of Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract]



109 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Unamortized (Gain) Loss Arising During Period, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansNetUnamortizedGainLossArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax
110 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net (Gain) Loss Recognized in Net Periodic Benefit Cost, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationOfDefinedBenefitPlansNetGainLossRecognizedInNetPeriodicBenefitCostNetOfTax
111 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Costs (Credit) Arising During Period, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostsCreditArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax
112 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Amortization, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost Recognized in Net Periodic Pension Cost, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAmortizationOfDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostRecognizedInNetPeriodicPensionCostNetOfTax
113 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Transition Asset (Obligation), Recognized in Net Periodic Benefit Cost, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationOfDefinedBenefitPlanNetTransitionAssetObligationRecognizedInNetPeriodicBenefitCostNetOfTax
114 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Minimum Pension Liability Net Adjustment, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeMinimumPensionLiabilityNetAdjustmentNetOfTax
115 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Non-Pension Postretirement Plan Valuation, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationNetOfTax
116 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, Net of Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


117 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, Net of Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract]



118 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss) on Securities Arising During Period, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedHoldingGainLossOnSecuritiesArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax
119 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Held-to-maturity Transferred to Available-for-Sale Securities, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForHeldToMaturityTransferredToAvailableForSaleSecuritiesNetOfTax
120 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Sale of Securities Included in Net Income, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForSaleOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeNetOfTax
121 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Write-down of Securities Included in Net Income, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForWriteDownOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeNetOfTax
122 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, Net of Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


123 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Roll Up] [Abstract]



124 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Available-for-sale Securities [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAvailableforsaleSecurities
125 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Held-to-maturity Securities [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestHeldtomaturitySecurities
126 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest
127 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Net of Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract]



128 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Arising During Period, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedGainLossOnDerivativesArisingDuringPeriodNetOfTax
129 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment on Derivatives Included in Net Income, Net of Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentOnDerivativesIncludedInNetIncomeNetOfTax
130 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Net of Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


131 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


132 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract]



133 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, before Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract] us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationAdjustmentBeforeTaxPeriodIncreaseDecreaseAbstract
134 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Gain (Loss), before Reclassification and Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationGainLossBeforeReclassificationAndTax
135 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Reclassification Adjustment Realized upon Sale or Liquidation, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTransactionAndTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationBeforeTax
136 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Transaction and Translation Adjustment, before Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


137 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Tax, [Roll Up] [Abstract]



138 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) Arising During Period, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansNetUnamortizedGainLossArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax
139 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Gain (Loss) Recognized in Net Periodic Benefit Cost, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationOfDefinedBenefitPlansNetGainLossRecognizedInNetPeriodicBenefitCostBeforeTax
140 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit) Arising During Period, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostCreditArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax
141 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Amortization, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost (Credit) Recognized in Net Periodic Benefit Cost, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeAmortizationOfDefinedBenefitPlanNetPriorServiceCostCreditRecognizedInNetPeriodicBenefitCostBeforeTax
142 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Transition Asset (Obligation), Recognized in Net Periodic Benefit Cost, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationOfDefinedBenefitPlanNetTransitionAssetObligationRecognizedInNetPeriodicBenefitCostBeforeTax
143 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Minimum Pension Liability Net Adjustment, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeMinimumPensionLiabilityNetAdjustmentBeforeTax
144 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Non-Pension Postretirement Plan Valuation, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationBeforeTax
145 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Adjustment, before Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


146 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Tax, [Roll Up] [Abstract]



147 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss) on Securities Arising During Period, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedHoldingGainLossOnSecuritiesArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax
148 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Held-to-maturity Transferred to Available-for-Sale Securities, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForHeldToMaturityTransferredToAvailableForSaleSecuritiesBeforeTax
149 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Sale of Securities Included in Net Income, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForSaleOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeBeforeTax
150 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Write-down of Securities Included in Net Income, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForWriteDownOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeBeforeTax
151 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities Adjustment, before Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


152 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Roll Up] [Abstract]



153 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Available-for-sale Securities [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAvailableforsaleSecurities
154 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Held-to-maturity Securities [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestHeldtomaturitySecurities
155 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossBeforeTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest
156 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, before Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract]



157 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Arising During Period, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedGainLossOnDerivativesArisingDuringPeriodBeforeTax
158 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment on Derivatives Included in Net Income, before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentOnDerivativesIncludedInNetIncomeBeforeTax
159 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, before Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


160 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), before Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period


161 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract]



162 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment, Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract] us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTranslationAdjustmentTaxAbstract
163 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Gain (Loss) Arising During Period, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTranslationGainLossArisingDuringPeriodTax
164 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Reclassification Adjustment Realized upon Sale or Liquidation, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeForeignCurrencyTranslationReclassificationAdjustmentRealizedUponSaleOrLiquidationTax
165 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment, Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


166 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract]



167 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Unamortized Gain (Loss) Arising During Period, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeDefinedBenefitPlansNetUnamortizedGainLossArisingDuringPeriodTax
168 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Gain (Loss) Recognized in Net Periodic Benefit Cost, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationOfDefinedBenefitPlansNetGainLossRecognizedInNetPeriodicBenefitCostTax
169 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Plan Amendments, Tax Effect [Roll Up] [Abstract]



170 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Benefit Plan Improvement, Tax Effect [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansBenefitPlanImprovementTaxEffect
171 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Curtailment, Tax Effect [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansCurtailmentTaxEffect
172 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Plan Amendments, Tax Effect, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansPlanAmendmentsTaxEffect
173 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Amortization, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Prior Service Cost Recognized in Net Periodic Pension Cost, Tax Effect [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossAmortizationPensionAndOtherPostretirementBenefitPlansNetPriorServiceCostRecognizedInNetPeriodicPensionCostTaxEffect
174 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification, Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Net Transition Asset (Obligation), Recognized in Net Periodic Benefit Cost, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationOfDefinedBenefitPlantNetTransitionAssetObligationRecognizedInNetPeriodicBenefitCostTax
175 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Minimum Pension Liability Net Adjustment, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeMinimumPensionLiabilityNetAdjustmentTax
176 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Finalization of Pension and Non-Pension Postretirement Plan Valuation, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeFinalizationOfPensionAndNonPensionPostretirementPlanValuationTax
177 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans, Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


178 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities, Tax [Roll Up] [Abstract]



179 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss) on Securities Arising During Period, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedHoldingGainLossOnSecuritiesArisingDuringPeriodTax
180 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Held-to-maturity Transferred to Available-for-Sale Securities, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForHeldToMaturityTransferredToAvailableForSaleSecuritiesTax
181 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Sale of Securities Included in Net Income, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForSaleOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeTax
182 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment for Write-down of Securities Included in Net Income, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentForWriteDownOfSecuritiesIncludedInNetIncomeTax
183 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Available-for-sale Securities, Tax, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


184 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Roll Up] [Abstract]



185 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Available-for-sale Securities [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestAvailableforsaleSecurities
186 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Held-to-maturity Securities [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterestHeldtomaturitySecurities
187 Other than Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments, Portion in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherThanTemporaryImpairmentLossesInvestmentsPortionInOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest
188 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Tax Effect [Roll Up] [Abstract]



189 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Derivatives Arising During Period, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeUnrealizedGainLossOnDerivativesArisingDuringPeriodTax
190 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Adjustment on Derivatives Included in Net Income, Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeReclassificationAdjustmentOnDerivativesIncludedInNetIncomeTax
191 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Derivatives Qualifying as Hedges, Tax Effect, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


192 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Tax [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:OtherComprehensiveIncomeLossTax
193 Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:ComprehensiveIncomeNetOfTaxIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest
194 Reclassifications of Temporary to Permanent Equity [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:ReclassificationsOfTemporaryToPermanentEquity
195 Net Income (Loss), Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Roll Up] [Abstract]



196 Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:IncomeLossFromContinuingOperationsIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest
197 Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations, Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:IncomeLossFromDiscontinuedOperationsNetOfTax
198 Extraordinary Item, Gain (Loss), Net of Tax, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:ExtraordinaryItemNetOfTax
199 Net Income (Loss), Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:ProfitLoss
200 Dividends [Abstract] [Abstract]



201 Dividends, Common Stock [Roll Up] [Abstract] us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockAbstract
202 Dividends, Common Stock, Cash [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockCash
203 Dividends, Common Stock, Stock [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockStock
204 Dividends, Common Stock, Paid-in-kind [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockPaidinkind
205 Dividends, Common Stock, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsCommonStock
206 Dividends, Preferred Stock [Roll Up] [Abstract]



207 Dividends, Preferred Stock, Cash [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStockCash
208 Dividends, Preferred Stock, Stock [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStockStock
209 Dividends, Preferred Stock, Paid-in-kind [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStockPaidinkind
210 Dividends, Preferred Stock, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStock
211 Dividends, Share-based Compensation [Roll Up] [Abstract]



212 Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Cash [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsShareBasedCompensationCash
213 Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Stock [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsSharebasedCompensationStock
214 Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Paid-in-kind [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsSharebasedCompensationPaidInKind
215 Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsShareBasedCompensation
216 Dividends, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:Dividends
217 Dividends, by Type Alternative [Roll Up] [Abstract]



218 Dividends, Cash [Roll Up] [Abstract] us-gaap:DividendsCashAbstract
219 Dividends, Common Stock, Cash [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockCash
220 Dividends, Preferred Stock, Cash [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStockCash
221 Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Cash [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsShareBasedCompensationCash
222 Dividends, Cash, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsCash
223 Dividends, Stock [Roll Up] [Abstract]



224 Dividends, Common Stock, Stock [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockStock
225 Dividends, Preferred Stock, Stock [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStockStock
226 Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Stock [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsSharebasedCompensationStock
227 Dividends, Stock, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsStock
228 Dividends, Paid-in-kind [Roll Up] [Abstract]



229 Dividends, Common Stock, Paid-in-kind [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsCommonStockPaidinkind
230 Dividends, Preferred Stock, Paid-in-kind [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsPreferredStockPaidinkind
231 Dividends, Share-based Compensation, Paid-in-kind [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsSharebasedCompensationPaidInKind
232 Dividends, Paid-in-kind, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:DividendsPaidinkind
233 Dividends, Total [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:Dividends
234 Preferred Stock Redemption Premium [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:PreferredStockRedemptionPremium
235 Preferred Stock Redemption Discount [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:PreferredStockRedemptionDiscount
236 Preferred Stock, Accretion of Redemption Discount [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:PreferredStockAccretionOfRedemptionDiscount
237 Increase in Carrying Amount of Redeemable Preferred Stock [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:IncreaseInCarryingAmountOfRedeemablePreferredStock
238 Stockholders' Equity, Change in Reporting Entity [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockholdersEquityChangeInReportingEntity
239 Stockholders' Equity Note, Spinoff Transaction [Concept] Monetary For Period Credit us-gaap:StockholdersEquityNoteSpinoffTransaction
240 Stockholders' Equity, Other [Concept] Monetary For Period Debit us-gaap:StockholdersEquityOther
241 Stockholders' Equity, Other Shares [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockholdersEquityOtherShares
242 Stockholders' Equity, Period Increase (Decrease), Total [Concept] Monetary For Period


243 Stock Issued During Period, Shares, Period Increase (Decrease) [Concept] Shares For Period us-gaap:StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesPeriodIncreaseDecrease
244 Stockholders' Equity, Including Portion Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest, Ending Balance [Concept] Monetary As Of Credit us-gaap:StockholdersEquityIncludingPortionAttributableToNoncontrollingInterest
245 Shares, Outstanding, Ending Balance [Concept] Shares As Of


246 Common Stock, Shares, Outstanding, Ending Balance [Concept] Shares As Of


247 Preferred Stock, Shares Outstanding, Ending Balance [Concept] Shares As Of

